Tuesday, December 6, 2011


so i know i have been a little absent on this blog here lately...and now i go and post 2 posts in one day.
dont hate me :)

so for the last while i have been seeing this quote on pinterest...

I whole heartily believe this.

you see...back in the day (high school)...i didnt exactly have life figured out.  (nor do i claim that i have it figured out now)  but i have made alot of progress...so you see here is the story

coming from a tiny school and merging with other schools i went into high school with one friend!  literally.
it was like going to kindergarden all over again. i made new friends and such.  and it was ok.  i wouldnt say i was ever pumped up about life.  but i put on a good front.  so junior year hit and all hell broke loose.
my friends group was turned up side down.  i was making all new friends and it was...well....weird.
alot of things went on that year that iam not exactly proud of.
but i wouldnt change them
senior year was even more change, i went on a new medicine and i lost alot of weight, suddenly i was somewhat popular...and even got voted most outgoing for my senior class.  (something i never thought would happen)
but all those years i was trying my best to be a strong, and literally NEVER cried.  i had other outlets...but no tears.
i had amazing people in my life who would listen to me for hours.
graduation hit and i literally thought my life was over because i was leaving my two best friends behind...and moving to a new state without any friends or my boyfriend (yes me and mr d are high school sweet hearts)  (precious i know)
well once at college my life flipped once again... i swear to you i cried everyday.
i think i finally realized i didnt have to be strong anymore
what was the point of being so strong all the time...
so there were tears...all the time!
i blame being strong so long, and the fact that i had such good friends to hold me up...even though  i didnt always realize it!!!

that was a large dose of honesty people