Wednesday, July 20, 2011


well this is brutal honesty....
i found a quote the other day....

-i wish i was as skinny as i was when i though i was fat-

yup. truth. 

me at my skinniest....(yes i thought i was a chunk)  that is a small tshirt.  (and yes i do have killer legs...i swear it is muscle)
this is me now.
NOW.  to start off...i was not always that skinny.  i was a "chunk"  all the way up to senior year of high school...then i got put on an anti-siezure med.  and i lost alot of weight.  then junior year of college i stopped taking those meds...and bloated back up. 
that is all there is to it.  and iam annoyed.

1 comment:

  1. Sarah, you are beautiful. That is the truth. I love you! And the main thing that has grown is your boobs, let's be honest. Got some good breast feeding teats I guess...
