Thursday, May 19, 2011


well today was far from what i had planned in my little brain...well really...i didnt have much planned.
it started by letting...(more like forcing) myself to sleep in. (8am baby)
i then prepared myself for that terrible, dreadful, not so wonderful part of my day.
that is right....the dentist... (and YES i did floss last night :) )
i was VERY pleasently surprised to have Coach (high school xc and track) walk through the door of the dentist while i was waiting.  
yes i know that sounds really lame, but it was so nice to see a familiar face in this town
i was then brought into the yuck room...and to my went amazingly!!
well of course it hurt, like always, but i was told multiple times that i had beautiful teeth! (rock on)
i was also told that i was lucky because most people go to college with no cavities and come back with alot; yet..i still have ZERO.   (go me!!)
my dentist himself told that he really hopes i smile all the time because my teeth are B-e-a-utiful!  (ok he didnt spell it out...but i thought it was necessary)  
(and yes iam cheesin...big time)
and sorry about the lighting...

so once i completed that dreadful part of the day i was off to the library to get my self a new book, (since i finished my last one in 4 days)  (yes people I KNOW, i need a job)
got my self 4 books and off i went...home home home

once home i found myself doing something i didnt know i could do. organize my brains out.  
i seriously spent at least 3 hours standing at our kitchen island reorganizing our files and going through every homework assignment and notes i had taken since 7th grade through high school.  (yup i are thinking...REALLY you still had all that???)  yeah i admit i DID save it all.  but today i parted with at least 3/4 of it!  GO ME

and then the BAD of the day started.
i found a bill in the bottom of the box of papers...GREAT
it was from ACS education.  it informed me that i was 80 days past due on my student loan payments...UH WHAT....excuse me???
i just graduated LAST week..and this is happening already?!?!
so i called up this company and tried to set them straight, after over a half hour with some lady that barely spoke english, she informed me that there was nothing she could do for me. 
(now in my defense...(for those of you who dont know)  as long as you are a full time student you should not have to be paying loans back...AND i was! )
so i resorted to calling MNU and being like...PLEASE HELP ME!
he was very helpful (AND SPOKE ENGLISH...go mnu)
while on the phone with him i was so mad i started to he didnt hear me cry...i was quiet.
but he told me what to do and that he would help me fight it if this first option did not work.  
so started the process of what he suggested.

(insert  random events of the afternoon)
then me and mr D went on a nice bike ride...lets be honest...iam SOOOO out of shape.  i though i was dying.  really. sad. 
so we sat down to watch the tube after the ride and my phone started ringing. 
it was a number who has been trying to call me for about a week now.  
i answered and it was the national student loan center....(great i thought, here we go again)
the nice man (who spoke english)  informed me that ACS had informed him that i was past due on my payments.  thanks ACS
so i told him the dealio. and i told him that ACS said i had no options.  
he was like they didnt offer you a
ha yeah i dont know what the word was...i was like uh NO. so he offered to connect me to them directly and help me through it... (GO NSLC)
and within 2 minutes i had gotten rid of having to pay the loan today.  YAY
that was the wrap up!  

i was so happy how things worked out and am pretty pleased with my the end.
although it was hard seeing the end when i was stuck talking to very unhelpful people all afternoon

i seriously apologize with how lame this post was...but i needed to get that nastyness off my chest!
i promise to make the next post more exciting...
until then

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