— Marilyn Monroe
Sunday, May 29, 2011
— Marilyn Monroe
Saturday, May 28, 2011
welcome home
the day i have been waiting for since DECEMBER 28!!!
this is how the story goes....
sometime in november/december i was in hobby lobby in olathe kansas (yes weird that i remember this) when i recieved a phone call from my mother saying they had a new dog.
a black lab to be percice.
she said that this dog showed up at their house one day and was the sweetest thing around.
i was like ahhhh ok. we will see how this goes.
eventually i recieved a text saying that my mother thought that Sadie (the new dog) was prego.
go figure right.
well long story short. sadie had 14...YES 14 puppies. the runt clifford died, but the rest survived.
i was told i could pick one out and could have it!!!
well at this time we were living in a one bed room apartment in olathe kansas and it was totally unrealistic for me to have a puppy.
regardless, we went home to iowa for new years and i finally got to meet the puppies. they were all "labeled" with ribbon colors so they could tell them apart.
and guess what...the one i picked was wearing a green collar.
this was baby Green the day i met her. (about a week old) |
this was baby "g" in mid march with her family :) |
well quickly the plans shifted and we received opportunities that brought us right back to our home town.
in a house.
with a yard
so i was THRILLED because these plans fell in place mid march. which meant by graduation i should have my puppy.
well that quickly changed when i received a text from my mother saying that baby g had an open wound on her front leg and was not putting weight on it.
so G went to the vet and was put in a cast and a lampshade.
diagnosis - 2 broken toes and an infected wound. how you ask - yes these next words are true...she was stepped on by a steer (cow)
sad. but that is a farm dog for you.
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this is baby G with her cone. poor girl |
FINALLY yesterday she went to the vet for a check up and we got the word that she would be CAST AND CONE FREE. (mr. D did not want to deal with the cast and cone and house training in the new home so she was still with my parents until then)
so yesterday we made the trip to go pick up our puppy.
i was a little more than excited
she was very content in the kennel on the way home from the vet |
look at that tongue |
she laid right down next to daddy as soon as we got home |
i would not say they are in love yet...BUT they are making progress.
G was sleeping and tate came and laid behind her |
she inched herself forward slowly and would touch G's back |
she was being very confident |
G never even noticed. i think it was a big step for tate |
this is basically where G lives now. she is such a relaxed puppy and just loves her pillow we got her |
this rug is also her favorite! she sleeps here while iam in the kitchen |
that is right. geo. no. not geo metro.
so now to explain how she received this name.
over spring break me and Mr D. took a trip to mesa arizona to watch some cubs spring training. (we are fans)
we had just seen baby G the day before we left for the trip, so now i had become obsessed with picking a REAL name for her instead of green.
while sitting at the game i turned to mr d and said "ok the next person to hit a home run, that is who we will name the dog after"
i really wanted to dog to have a G name, because i like saying G!
BAh. so next at bat was ...this guy
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geovany soto |
so that was that. now we have GEO
she is the MOST chill dog ever. and i already am in love with her.
she is spoiled rotten already.
we got her a brand new pink collar along with a green leash.
she has not had any accidents in the house yet. but she does pee a little when she gets excited.
but she is a puppy so who can blame her?!
she is beautiful |
i will keep updates on her for sure!
we know for sure that she is half black lab, the other half we are still confused about. until yesterday we thought it was rottweiler because she for sure looks like it. until our friend brought up that she looks like a german Shepard. so what do yall think? we need help on this one!
until another day
Thursday, May 26, 2011
and that really gets me frustrated.
lets me honest here...i dont have a job, i just graduated college 3-ish weeks ago. maybe iam mourning my college loss. or maybe iam just RELAXING.
but having NOTHING to do is sometimes more stressful then having ALOT to do.
so i can not decide if iam stressed or relaxed?
regardles...iam TRYING to get my self under control and stay on top of doing...STUFF
so here is what i did today.
prepare to be AMAZED...seriously.
My day started at approx 6:30 when Mr D arrived home from work. then i fell back asleep :)
at 8:13 i finally rolled out of bed and got myself prepared to go on a run/walk (the first frustrating part of my day) but lets not talk about that
i then did..nothing. i spent alot of my morning on pinterest of course.
it is my love affair. seriously.
in the afternoon i watched Mr D play baseball with the brother. while i took the unruly dog out for a trot. (no not my dog! Mr D's sisters dog. and he was ACTUALLY really well behaved) so go CJ
i then came back home and did this....
then the night led to THIS
we FINALLY got around to eating our wedding cake! |
we split it right down the middle. it wasnt too bad, BUT ah |
i gave tate some. she ate one big bite and that was enough for her! |
iam going shopping with my mom and my nephew. (for my birthday that was in April)
hoping to get a new purse...and an apron???
we will see what tomorrow brings
until tomorrow---dueces
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
a mess, a cat, and baby G
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this is the mess i made yesterday |
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but this was the result. 30 homemade graduation party invitations! look at me being all crafty ;) |
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i love looking over and seeing T sleeping so peacefully :) |
until next time...dueces
Monday, May 23, 2011
one year wed
i have officially been married to Mr D. for an entire year!
an amazing year
a stressful year
a hard year
a year full of change, love, new adventures, and old dreams
i can wholeheartedly say that our first year was not "really tough" like alot of people describe theirs.
sure we had our moments
but we have both grown so much and it was honestly amazing.
i figured in honor of this day i would post a few wedding pictures!
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me as a bride |
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mr D as a cute groom |
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ready to see each other |
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love this |
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the first kiss |
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sitting where he spent most of his time the first 4 months we were dating |
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Mr D and his ladies |
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me and my men |
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the whole party |
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Mr D claims this is what he gets for marrying a farm girl - picture in a corn field |
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my amazing kickers |
it was a perfect day and i can not believe it was already a year ago!
i am happier than ever and am so glad to be married to Mr D.
maybe someday yall can hear our "story"
trust me it is a good one ;)
until next time - dueces
Thursday, May 19, 2011
it started by letting...(more like forcing) myself to sleep in. (8am baby)
i then prepared myself for that terrible, dreadful, not so wonderful part of my day.
that is right....the dentist... (and YES i did floss last night :) )
i was VERY pleasently surprised to have Coach (high school xc and track) walk through the door of the dentist while i was waiting.
yes i know that sounds really lame, but it was so nice to see a familiar face in this town
i was then brought into the yuck room...and to my surprise...it went amazingly!!
well of course it hurt, like always, but i was told multiple times that i had beautiful teeth! (rock on)
i was also told that i was lucky because most people go to college with no cavities and come back with alot; yet..i still have ZERO. (go me!!)
my dentist himself told that he really hopes i smile all the time because my teeth are B-e-a-utiful! (ok he didnt spell it out...but i thought it was necessary)
(insert random events of the afternoon)
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
a couple official moves actually!!!!
i have now moved into my new home in beautiful Pella, Iowa!
and i have also now converted my once Tumblr blog into a blogger blog!
I do admit both of those were hard moves...
but they are both over and done! YAY
so that is the cause for the LACK of blogs recently.
my bad
i am so glad to be back in the blogging world. it has been weird not spending hours trying to blog perfectly. but relaxing at the same time.
i have survived.
so for the last week and a half my life in pella has been far from exciting.
basically consists of me trying to get settled in, and sitting in my chair reading and watching the neighbors all day as kyle sleeps.
but i cant complain,
it has been very nice to get to relax after 18 years of school
and now i have no idea where my life is taking me.
it will be interesting.
i will keep you updated :)
i just scheduled a dentist appt for myself for TOMORROW.
what was i thinking?!
i do NOT want to go to the dentist.
not one bit
but i guess it will probably be good. i better floss tonight :)
i have already considered cancelling it. but i know i shouldn't!
so a cleaning tomorrow is for sure in store.
i will now be spending my evening catching up on my favorite website...PINTEREST!
while Mr D. sleeps and tater sleeps on the clean laundry!
have a great evening yall
Saturday, May 7, 2011
well i finished all of my college finals…i feel like i SHOULD feel happy, and relieved. BUT not so much, instead i feel…REALLY freaked out. i will never be going to classes again, never going to spend my evenings doing homework, which is OK with me. But yup, i will miss it. sometimes doing homework it kinda…fun? YUCK
SO…iam still here in Kansas until i finish my college career by graduating tomorrow. so my lovely home hosts left and went to iowa for BEAUTIFUL Tulip time…
yup this is me being jealous!
regardless, this is my first year missing ALL of Tulip Time. So here iam alone in a huge house. and how did i spend my first afternoon of freedom?
well how else…looking for cute ways to decorate my house, and amazing recipes to cook when i FINALLY arrive back with my hubs!
So this another picture post of everything amazing i found yesterday.
this is a coat rack…iam not sure where there are other things hanging on it. but i really want to make this. i just need to find some old door knobs first!
this is amazing. i am going to make this…except a D of course! :)
As stated in my last post i have an obsession with glass jars…that would explain why the center pieces at my wedding were mason jars! so when i saw this next thing i about DIED…i have to figure out how to make this!!! shouldnt be too hard!
this is adorable…but SO not me. But still, the idea is what i like. I am dedicated to making a menu at least a week in advance, that way we will not always resort to eat frozen pizza, and i will be able to cook! I downloaded all kinds of free printable menu forms. And instead of this high class board I am just going to cover a simple clipboard with scrapbook paper. One for my menu, and one for my shopping list. I am just a TAD excited. Iam very ready to be in my new house cooking and finally getting to be a real wife!!
There are a ton of cute ideas for menu boards, so i will show you just a few of my favorites.
this one is very simple and cute…i really like it, but i think i would end up makeing it more of a mess, then helpful.
I love how this one has spots for the recipes included on the board. Makes it very convenient.
This is very very cute, i think probably my favorites. But clearly I am a very simple perosn, that is why I am sticking with the clip board. :)
I really like this one! Very cute….but just a tad too big for my style.
I like how simple this one is! and how you keep everything all together.
But I still think I will be sticking with the clip board idea. here is a cute clipboard project.
very cute!
I am very excited to get started on my projects!!
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
today i have felt…well incredibly distracted. which is proabably not the way i want to feel when it is finals week. but i have now taken on the attitude of who really cares?! i mean i only have on final left…and iam going to graduate. so why does it even matter. terrible i know.
regardless of all of that….today iam feeling the need for some ACCESSORIES. I am gonna be strait up honest right now. I have a slight addiction to head bands. i love accessories for this reason…no matter how fat or skinny a person is, bracelets, necklaces, shoes, and mostly headbands will ALWAYS fit. thank you Jesus. so lets just sat i go a TAD over bored on the head bands. but here are some things i want
Dude this is super cool, i am so doing this. although i will need to hang it high enough to keep it out of the reach of tate.
corny, yes! but i want to make them!!!
iam SO figuring out how to make this, considering there was one at arie almost exactly like this for $17!!
those are all my inspirations for now…iam very much looking forward to being done with school in 2 days, now i can actaully start some of these projects!!!