well i did not take a picture for leap day.
all i heard all day was WIND
it was insanely windy outside...
and it is hard to take a picture of wind :)
so instead i will tell you about this...
this was snow kick ball |
that picture is a picture of all the teams that participated... all 4 :)
let me give you some back ground
when me and Mr D. lived in Kansas we were on a a rec softball team...
this is one of the teams we played on. We played in a tournament in iowa actually. got 2nd place |
me and adorable Mr D. |
lets just say, before this i had never played competitive softball!
but i grew to love it, and even got ok at the game! :)
well we moved to iowa and the softballing ended :(
i missed it for sure!
just being active, and competitive. (because lets be honest iam WAY to competitive.)
so one day i was reading out local newspaper and saw that there was going to be a adult snow kickball tournament.
i immediately told Mr D. and we started thinking of people to get on our team
i laughed at the idea of snow kick ball since we had barely had any snow so far this year
so i was planning on 60degree kick ball...sounds good to me
well we turned in our team roster.
and off to play we went
the night before it snowed the most it has all season....of course!
so it really was snow kickball :)
here are a few of the pictures i took
there was a lot of wiping out |
thats me getting ready to kick :) |
mr D! |
o did i mention that we won the whole thing!? |
its true...we dominated...Mr D likes to tell people that the other team was wasted...which they were (it was 11am) but i like to leave that part out :)
so thats all for now!