Saturday, April 30, 2011

looking back

  i was going through some pictures on my flash drive and decided to give yall a little picture show.  so sit back and relax.

this is me.

This is me and my daddy the day i was born…how precious.  we are BFF’s  now that i look at the picture i realize how my dad looks the EXACT same then as he does now….freaky. 

clearly i was a happy baby (but really if you ask my mom she would tell you the exact opposite)  HA this is me and the bro! CUTE

ok another one with my dad…but really…HILARIOUS.  look how pissed i look and how he has a bib on!!

i think it would be fair to say i got myself into a lot of trouble

werent we the cutest!  this picture is still hanging on my parents wall in their house

me and my cousin ryan, we were bffs for a long period of time…

my mouth is full of something…that is usual

My fam…please notice these things 1) my mom is about to bust up laughing 2) my dad looks like he is strict (notice “looks like”  3) my brothers puffed cheeks!!! 4) iam the normal one :)

fishing with the uncle and cousins, i think i played in the mud the ENTIRE time

this is how most of our summer days were spend, cousin alex over, on the trampoline, filling rubber gloves with water!

my brother made this “mane” for me for…something?  i thought i was a lion

fell asleep…reading some book about angels (ha yeah i seriously remember) with barney on my lap, he was like my security blanket :)

doing some chores at the county fair

summer tradition of going to my great aunt and uncles for a week and riding horses as often as i could, this is Hawk, he was the horse i always rode

my grandparent with all 12 cousins on my dads side. love them all!

family vacation in chicago

so proud of that cheese head!

my mom took 8th grade pictures of me

BAHHHHH yes that is me, iam not sure where this mask came from…

the first trophy i ever won…and yes it was for the cookie decorating contest at the county fair

i think this is why i had no friends freshman year of high school

rep the peoria

county fair…showing my sheep

Ha i was the guestbook attendent at a wedding, this shows how much i love dressing up

me and my match maker :)

after a cross country meet, during which i got a bloody nose, which explains the blood all over my face

me and baby Dal

HA friends from high school

me and marcus

not sure why this one is small…but first picture ever with Mr D.  after sitting on his lap for 18 hours!

3 muskateers!  (dont mind kirsten)  she wanted it like this

me and my dad in the tractor

me, mr D, and Q after caving!

i hit a freaking forrest animal for this girl!

my BFF (also my current shack up partner :) )

my sun burn from new orleans

i only wish

me and luann in texas

me and luann again with building 429

me and baby tate

the 2 cutest nephews in the world

the most adorable Rwandan child

my rwandan family!!

my best friend

my amazing wedding party

me and the boys

me and the hubs

me and the best husband in the world

ok so i know i know that was ALOT of pictures…but it was worth it right!?

ha i have millions more :)

Friday, April 29, 2011


in approx 3 hours i will be done with me second to last week of college…still not really sinking in since i still have alot to do (which i have MOSTLY stopped caring about)

this week i have been trying to keep myself preoccupied so i dont think about not having my husband or my kitty around, but let me tell you it has been hard.

i mean how can you not miss these two faces….granted tate is a LITTLE bigger then that now….

ok ALOT bigger….she is really a chunker, but i still love her :)

so yesterday was my last day of work at the V, honestly not a sad moment at all.  i mean it is a little sad to not be with some of those people ever again, but let me tell you, some of those people drive my UP THE WALL

i will resist from saying names because really…thats rude, and i was CONSIDERING writing an entire blog about people from work who drive me crazy, but then i was like, really how bad of a christian can i be?  so lets just say…iam happy to a point to be done there

i got my self some big plans this weekend. 

here is the schedule of events

after class today i plan on going to Noodles and Co to pick my self up some lunch and then head to Borders and do some homework until i get a special little message from my dear friend melissa.  at this point we are going to go be crafty and make our selves something. (i will share that at a later point, with pictures…promise) after that me and Katelyn Luann are off to Chapala to get our eat on!  YUM love me some mexican food. at that point i dont know what we are doing after that.  something crazy iam sure!

Tomorrow all my plans consist of are taking Ben out for lunch, and then roommate reunion at 7:45!  PUMPED! 

ok so those plans are not HUGE….but still excited!!!
